Jigyasa Grover.

Technology & Gaming Influencer | United States | English

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10-time award winner in Artificial Intelligence and Open Source and the co-author of the book 'Sculpting Data For ML', Jigyasa Grover is a powerhouse brimming with passion for making a dent in this world of technology and bridging the gender gap. AI & Research Lead, she has many years of ML engineering & Data Science experience in deploying large-scale low-latency systems for user personalization and monetization on popular social networking apps like Twitter and Facebook, and e-commerce at Faire, particularly ads prediction, sponsored content ranking, and recommendation with a recent focus on Generative AI. She is also one of the few ML Google Developer Experts and Google Women Techmaker Ambassadors globally. As a World Economic Forum's Global Shaper, she ensures the leverage of her technical skills and connections for solution-building, policy-making, and lasting change.

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